Thursday 26 May 2022

The Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad's Expert Advice on the Best Foods to Eat with Braces

Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad

The Best orthodontist in Ahmedabad offers some advice to their patients on the best foods to eat with braces, both before and after placement. While there are many different types of braces, all of them share one thing in common: eating certain foods can be an annoyance if you’re wearing them. In order to help our patients combat this problem and make the most out of their orthodontic experience, we’ve put together a list of the best foods to eat with braces, as well as some tips on how to deal with other issues you may have while wearing braces.

Superfood– Oatmeal and Scrambled eggs

If you have braces, it’s important that you have a diet rich in protein and calcium. These two superfoods are easy to eat for breakfast. Try combining them together for a delicious meal that’s sure to get your day off on the right foot! Oatmeal is rich in fiber, vitamin E, and several B vitamins. Scrambled eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin D. Because your diet needs to be particularly nutritious while you have braces, I recommend adding these foods into your daily meals.

Grains– rice, soft cooked noodles and pasta

Grains are digested slowly and can keep you feeling full longer than other foods. Try steamed white rice, soft cooked noodles or pasta as they won’t break or chip your braces. You can also experiment with vegetables that have a soft texture and mild taste, such as carrots and cauliflower florets. Don’t forget to brush your teeth after eating so you don’t end up with food stuck between your teeth! 

Vitamins– include fruit juices: Fruits and vegetables 

They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help keep your gums healthy. Fruit juices may be high in sugar but you can get around it by mixing half juice and half water to reduce sugar content. Some fruits that work well with braces include apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches and plums while some great veggies include broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce leaves (especially red ones), tomatoes (make sure they're not too acidic) and zucchini.

Dairy – soft cheese, yoghurt and dips

When it comes to dairy products, steer clear of anything too hard and be sure to eat foods that are easy for you to chew. Milk, yoghurt and soft cheese like cottage cheese, feta or fresh mozzarella are great choices for orthodontic patients. In fact, a study published in The Angle Orthodontist found that young children who ate cheese before bedtime had fewer tooth misalignments than kids who didn’t eat any dairy at night. If you’re unsure whether your diet is safe while wearing braces – ask your orthodontist! Each dentist will have their own advice based on experience, so it’s important you get some local advice before making big changes.

Bread – pre-cut loaves of bread and soft tacos

One easy way to prevent food from getting stuck between your braces is to brush your teeth before and after meals. Take it a step further by flossing at night! For those times when you’re not able to brush, try wearing a tongue shield or using a rinse that has antimicrobial properties (you can get these over-the-counter). To minimize the amount of food trapped between your braces, consider having loaves of bread pre-cut or soft tacos without sour cream and cheese. Wearing orthodontic devices during sleep helps keep your mouth closed and reduces snoring. You may want a specialist recommend by Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad for best results..

Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad

What happens if you eat the wrong foods with braces?

If you have braces, it's important to be careful about the foods you eat. Some foods can damage your braces or even cause pain. Hard foods like nuts and candy can break brackets and wires. Sticky foods like caramel can get stuck in the brackets and pull them off. Sour candies can cause pain in the brackets and wires. And chewing gum can get stuck in the braces and be very difficult to remove. So it's important to avoid these kinds of foods when you have braces. If you do eat them, be sure to brush carefully afterwards to avoid damaging your teeth or causing pain.

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